Business Gateway
A key partner for anyone doing business in Lanarkshire, Business Gateway provides free advice and
guidance to new and existing businesses. The business advisory team at Business Gateway supports
existing businesses to grow and also works with individuals interested in starting a business.
Local businesses meeting specific growth criteria are assigned an adviser who will support the
business through their journey. This may include advising the company on strategy and activities such
as digital and traditional marketing, raising finance, planning or operational systems and processes.
For individuals thinking about starting a business, advisers can also help with practical advice and
guidance on a range of topics, including market research, business planning, financial forecasting,
company formation and employing staff.
Business Gateway acts as a signpost to all relevant sources of advice and financial support to meet
your business needs.
In addition to one-to-one support, Business Gateway delivers a range of business workshops at a
number of locations across Lanarkshire.
Business Gateway Lanarkshire helped 1,104 new businesses to start up and over 1,250 existing local
businesses through its advisory services, events and surgeries in 2013. Businesses who have benefitted
from the advisory services have also forecast the creation of 2,300 new jobs over the next three years.
For further information, contact:
01236 702020
Our first few contacts with Business
Gateway Lanarkshire were at the early
stages of our development. They
maintained contact and we are very
grateful that they did. Their assistance in
getting our company a grant took us from a
small industrial unit to modern commercial
business premises and increased
our staffing level and staff training.
They also aided us in getting further
professional business assistance such as
skills development, marketing,
improvement of support systems,
webpage and broadband information.
Terry Lawrence , Managing Director, TS-UK