Experience with a Free
Mea suring Advice Serv ice www. vinehouseinteriors. co.u k01732882904
The online version enables you to search for
business by name, type of business and location.
Simply type what you are looking for and decide how
you want to sort the results. The database is
to join f
or all l ocal busin es ses , so why not register
today at
www. burrows.c o.u k/ tonbridgeYou can also keep your organisation’s details up to
date; just find your entry and click the Update link.
This will ensure potential customers have access to
accurate information about your company.
Interactive Business Finder - FREE download
The Business Finder has powerful search features, allowing multiple fields of the
database to be selected and integrated. The additional Bookmark Feature allows
you to save the search results and refer back to them at any time. These results
can be further manipulated with the customisation of fields and the sorting of data.
Once you have installed your Business Finder, additional features can
be upgraded for a one-off charge from
, dependent on the level
of service you require. Upgraded versions print address labels, compile and print
reports, perform mail shots and export data.
Please call
020 8773 3060
for more information.
This data has been verified by Burrows Communications Ltd on behalf of Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council.
Tonbr idge & M alli ng Databaseis now online at
www. burrows. co.u k/t onbridge