IN YEARS 7 & 8!
Years 7 & 8 at
St Michael’s Prep School
Life in Years 7 & 8 at St
Prep School is exciting!
It’s not simply about academic study, it’s about being
encouraged to develop a range of abilities, to become
more self-reliant and independent, develop leadership
skills and roles of responsibility, and maturing at your
own pace in our friendly and supportive environment.
Please phone our Director of
Marketing and Admissions for further details on 01959 526042
Michael’s Prep Sch
ool, Ot ford Court, O tford , Se venoaks, Kent TN14 5SA
www.s tmichaels. kent.s ch. uk…But you don’t have to wait until Year 7!
In addition to Year 7 our main points of entry are our
Nursery and our Year 3 classes (at times spaces become
available in other year groups too).
You’re very welcome to look at our website, but our
suggestion is that you come to meet us in person to get the
real feel of the school!
Michael’s Prep School is co-educational from ages 2-13.