• Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council –
economic development (01732 876011),
business rates (01732 876335), planning
and building regulations (01732 876311),
refuse collection (01732 876147), food
safety and hygiene (01732 876190), or go
to www.tmbc.gov.uk/services/bus iness/ business-support-and-advice• Kent & Medway Growth Hub (signposting
servic e to available support and fund ing) –
www.k entandmedwaygrowthhub.o rg. ukor
0300 4563565
• Locate in Kent (inwar
d inve stment andrelocation support) –
www.l ocateinkent.c omor 01732 520700
Kent I nvicta Chamber of Co mmerce –
www.k entinvictachamber. co. ukor
01233 503838
West Kent
Cham ber o f Commerce &
Industry –
www.w kcci.c omor 01732 366644
Kent & M edw ay FSB - www.f sb. org. uk/r egions/k ent- medwayor
01892 541399
• National
Centre for Micro-Businesses
(supp ort for home-based busines se s)-
www.t hecentreformicrobusiness. co.u kor
0300 030 9660
Pro-A ction s (busi nessadvice and support) –
www.p ro-a ctions. comor 03333 440517
• Better Business for All (a partnership
designed to improve the way
regulation is delivered to ease the
burden on the
local busin ess
community) –
www.b bfa. bizThe following is a list of useful business support organisations:
Business Support