Supporting Local Business
The Borough Council, working with the West Kent Partnership,
provides a range of support and advice to help local businesses grow.
Kingswood Training Services © West Kent LEADER Programme
West Kent LEADER is a source of funding
available to farmers, growers, foresters, rural
businesses and communities to help secure
a sustainable future for rural
West Kent.
The LEADER Programme is a community-
led approach to the delivery of the Rural
Development Programme for England
(RDPE), which is funded by DEFRA and
the European Agricultural Fund for Rural
Development (EAFRD) funds. The
planning, decision making and
implementation is done at a local level,
carried out by a Local
Action Group (LAG)
which is made up of private, public and
community sector volunteers with a wide
range of experience and knowledge of
local rural issues.
For m ore information go to www.w estkentleader. org. ukKent County Council operate a 0% loan
fund offering funding to local businesses
with growth pot
ential. To re giste r yo urinterest contact
escalate@k ent. gov.u k