The regeneration of the RAF base at
Kings Hill
began in the late 1980s and now provides an
exceptional environment for homes and
businesses. It offers a beautiful, quality, clean and
safe mixed-use, sustainable community where
everything needed for an active and aspirational
lifestyle is on the doorstep. The vibrant community
enjoys shops, restaurants, leisure
and community facilities and transport links which
are outstanding for a rural location. Substantial
investment has been made in the soft and social
infrastructure needed to create a true community.
A number of big companies are now based at
Kings Hill, including Rolex, Kimberly-Clark,
Sekisui and David Lloyd.
Most recently an application for a further
extension to Kings Hill
was granted in October
2014, including:
• 635 new homes,
• a two-form entry primary school
associated playing fields and land safeguarded
for an extension to create a three-form entry
primary school. The new school
will be on the
site of the existing County Supplies building
on Gibson Drive which has been demolished
as part of the development;
• a multi-functional extension to the community
• a youth recreational facility;
• high quality and attractive on-site public
open space including a new linear
park, trim trails, woodland paths
and green spaces.
Kings Hill