Page 16 - Merton Business Guide

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2. Government-funded business
support programmes
Business Finance
Start-Up Loans
The Start- up Loans scheme provides advice and
start-up finance of approx. £2,500 for 18-30 year olds
who want to start and grow their own businesses.
Further details can be found at
Also contact South London Business on
020 8681 0053; and Fredericks Foundation;
020 8166 8966,
Business Finance Finder (BFF)
BFF searches for publicly-backed and private
sources of finance that can help you to start and grow
your business.
For further detail visit:
Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG)
EFG is a government loan guarantee scheme that
provides finance to viable businesses lacking the
security or track record for a commercial loan.
The scheme details include:
• Support for viable businesses with an annual
turnover of up to £44m – seeking loans of between
£1,000 and £1m
• The loan may be used for a wide range of business
needs including buying assets, funding working
capital, overdraft guarantees etc - subject to
certain restrictions
• The Government provides the lender with a 75%
guarantee for each individual loan
The EFG is delivered by over 45 accredited lenders
including all the main UK High Street Banks; for further
information visit
Equity Finance (venture capital and business
angel finance)
There are a range of government backed equity finance
schemes which invest in businesses. These include:
• Enterprise Capital Funds
• Business Angel Co-Investment Funds:
UK Export Finance (formerly Export Finance
UK Export Finance provides short-term export finance
to viable businesses lacking the security necessary to
obtain such facilities commercially. The scheme is
open to businesses with an annual turnover of up to
£25m seeking short term export finance between
£25,000 and £1million. The scheme is delivered by
accredited lenders including Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds,
RBS and Santander.
For further information visit
or call the customer helpline on 020 7512 7887.
HSBC “assisted purchase” scheme
Part of the Government’s Regional Growth Fund, the
“assisted purchase” scheme provides finance towards
the acquisition of assets for businesses located in
Assisted Areas. Details of the scheme can be found at:
Business support
Support for businesses - including those with growth
and high growth businesses
The Government is working with businesses and
organisations to enable people to access help and
advice to start and grow their business. ‘Business in
You’ provides access to all the help available – visit