Page 18 - Merton Business Guide

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Support for developing new products &
services and innovation
Technology Strategy Board (TSB)
TSB helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
develop new products and services and access
technology. Since May 2010 the TSB, both directly
and through Knowledge Transfer Networks, has
helped thousands of SMEs. More information on all of
the following support can be found at:
support for business growth through innovation
includes the following:
Funding to SMEs to engage in Research &
Development (R&D) projects in the science,
engineering and technology sectors - from which
successful new products, processes and services
could emerge. Projects will last up to 9 months,
have a maximum grant of £25k, and up to 60% of
total project costs may be funded.
This is a TSB programme providing
funding for business innovation that aims to
support the development and strengthening of
clusters of high-tech companies in specific theme
areas, geographical locations and sectors e.g.
Tech City.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP):
KTP is
a major programme run and funded by TSB in
which a relationship is formed between a
company and a University/academic institution -
facilitating the transfer of knowledge, technology
and skills to which the businesses benefit. There
are currently 53 current KTP projects running in
3. Other business support
programmes and organisations
Fredericks Business Loans
Fredericks Foundation is a charity which lends to
individuals to start or grow small businesses. It also
provides loans to businesses struggling to borrow
cash for their businesses.
For further information visit;
contact 020 8166 8966
For further information on any of the above
business support programmes, contact:
futureMerton, Business Growth
020 8545 3232
Greater London Enterprise (GLE)
GLE provides a range of business support and advice
for new and established businesses- some of which
are free.
For further information visit
GLE/ One London Loan Scheme
(Business Loan
Section) on 020 7403 0300.
South London Business (SLB)
SLB provides business support and advice for
businesses in the South London area.
For further information visit
020 8681 0053.
Merton, Croydon & Sutton Credit Union
This is a savings and loans co-operative run for and by
its members on a not-for-profit basis. Membership is
open to anyone who lives and/or works in the London
Boroughs of Croydon, Merton or Sutton. It works by
members placing savings with the Credit Union, which
members can withdraw and borrow should they need
it. The Credit Union has a low cost and flexible 'Saver
Loan' scheme – which provides a cheap and easy
alternative to other lenders. It also specialise in
helping people deal with their debts.
For further information, contact: 020 8760 5711 or
email CU
Business Link website
Business Link offers web-based advice on a range
of business support including surviving the recession,
growing your business, accessing new markets etc.
For further information visit
Business and IP Centre
The Business and IP (Intellectual Property) Centre
provides support for new and established businesses.
Its services include: business advice, protecting
business ideas, business networking and the provision
of business data and market information.
For further information visit