Welcome The Liver BuildingUnity BuildingThe Spirit of the Blitz Memorial positive,emphasising the breath andquality of the events held in the city.Liverpool Chamber of Commerce willwork with the NWDA,Liverpool Visionand The Mersey Partnership inpromoting the city to externalaudiences to ensure that themomentum of this year is continued.After the excitement of EuropeanCapital of Culture,2009 is the Year of the Environment and gives us the opportunity to highlight positiveenvironmental initiatives,with issuessuch as energy use,climate changeand resource recycling at the heart of business in the 21st century.Liverpool Chamber of Commerce willpromote the Year of the Environmentand lead the cityÕs businesscommunity through a range of initiatives such as a GreenAmbassadors programme andenvironmental training.These areinescapable priorities for the cityÕsfuture and are central to developing a positive image of the city for bothinvestors and visitors.Jack Stopforth,Chief Executive,Liverpool Chamber of Commerce LiverpoolÕs World Heritage waterfront Liverpool Chamber of Commerce willpromote the Year of the Environmentand lead the cityÕs businesscommunity through a range of initiatives. www.ourcityourplanet.org.uk