| Business Development Kick the Carbon Habit Awareness of carbon emissions is an important consideration for businesses large or small; alongside the environmental benefits, reducing carbon footprints reduces business costs. F ounded by the government in 2001, The Carbon Trust is an independent company that helps businesses throughout the UK to reduce carbon emissions. What can Liverpool do? In Liverpool, the overall business carbon footprint amounts to over a million tonnes per year. Advice and support for businesses wanting to cut carbon emissions costs includes: Interest-free loans from £5,000 to £200,000 to upgrade or replace old equipment Free guides to understanding and calculating carbon footprints ¥ On-site carbon surveys Bespoke energy efficiency information for different sectors A guide to creating a tailored energy-saving action plan The Carbon Trust Better Business Guide, designed to help SMEs tackle carbon emissions. Hugh Jones, Solutions Director the Carbon Trust, said: ÒResearch shows that energy efficiency measures, not job cuts or salary freezes, are the cost-cutting steps businesses are considering first during this economically challenging time.Ó Tel. 0800 085 2005 www.carbontrust.co.uk CASE STUDY Save your energy Custom Glass Ltd is one of the largest sealed glass unit manufacturing businesses in Merseyside. After finding that 93% of its £160,000 energy spend was on electricity, the company fitted variable speed drives to its machines, achieving a 66,000KW drop in monthly electricity usage. Inspired by this success, the company requested a Carbon Trust energy survey, which highlighted potential energy savings of over £30,000 a year. Following the surveyÕs advice, the company appointed two energy managers, began a staff awareness programme, and has a policy of buying only energy-efficient equipment. Within four months, the business saved 30% on the previous yearÕs electricity bill. Custom Glass engineer, Phil Glanvill, said: ÒBeing energy efficient is a business advantage. The lower our operating costs, the greater our profit. The Carbon Trust survey was extremely helpful in that regard.Ó