Business Development | Helping SMEs through the economic downturn The Government has announced a package of support to help small and medium sized companies through the current global economic challenges, much of which is being delivered through Business Link Northwest. Offering a variety of free-to-use and easy-to-access tools and services, the package focuses on the areas that SMEs have identified as their top priorities Ð cash flow, access to finance and training for staff. Checking the pulse of business Business Link Northwest is offering free ÒHealth ChecksÓ for local businesses, which can help them to identify problems early on. An online health check tool to analyse cash flow, marketing and business planning is available at northwest/healthcheck Cash is king Financial information, produced by the Institute of Credit Management, has been pulled together to help UK businesses to maintain cash flow, secure finance and limit problems caused by late or non-payment. The guides can be found on Business Link NorthwestÕs website. Peter Watson, Managing Director at Business Link Northwest, said:ÒNo-one could have predicted the scale and impact of the global credit squeeze, and as the economic downturn bites, we fully recognise the need to support SMEs by helping them access finance, improve efficiency and maintain their long-term sustainability. In short we want to assist local businesses in planning for the difficult times ahead and help them emerge strong and competitive.Ó ¥ Tel: 0845 00 66 888