Business Development | Partners against crime Successful joint work between Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, Merseyside Police and partners such as Citysafe has seen crime drop to its lowest point in 10 years. Award-winning pioneering activities include developing best practice to combat crime on industrial estates, establishing Shop Watch schemes to protect retailers in suburban areas and the co-ordinated team of security experts who help small businesses get access to grant funding to carry out improvements. With 14 million extra visitors to the city in 2008 bringing a spend of over £800m, the value of the hospitality industry cannot be underestimated and the Chamber is keen to highlight best practice within the licensing trade and promote the city as a safe place for a night out. A dedicated night time economy manager has been involved in a range of successful campaigns including introducing taxi marshalling and conflict resolution training for bar staff. Taxi marshalls help LiverpoolÕs visitors get home safely On camera Liverpool Chamber of Commerce also worked in partnership with Merseyside Police and Liverpool Council to introduce CCTV into cabs. A recent survey showed 100% of cabbies felt CCTV had improved their own safety and prevented crime, while 96% felt it had been useful in gaining evidence in criminal incidents. On air The team operates the successful ÔLiverpool Crime Alert (Retail)Õ crime reduction initiative. Since its inception in 2002, city centre shoplifting has been reduced by 17% and by a substantial 21% during the Christmas shopping period. A radio network linking shop security staff means regular intelligence about criminals, suspects and crime patterns in the city centre is quickly distributed and acted upon. Tel. 0151 227 1234 Taxis in Liverpool offer additional security with CCTV