| Investment and Regeneration Accompanying its publication a series of linked events were held around the region to publicise its findings, with the aim of inspiring a holistic approach to the design and management of public spaces. A workshop held in Bootle included a presentation on the Rotunda Pavilion, based in Kirkdale, north Liverpool. Sited in an area designated for Housing Market Renewal, the Pavilion transformed a strip of derelict land into a community garden. The garden contains space for activities and events and is tended by community groups throughout the year. Rotunda Community College commissioned the project in collaboration with Liverpool Biennial. This case study demonstrated that the creation and management of public green spaces could be a powerful force to tap into local pride and celebrate distinctiveness. Inspiring spaces, inspiring business In Liverpool a huge variety of contemporary architecture is available to explore in one place, helping to make the city a major draw for conferences and visitor groups. The opening of the new Liverpool ONE scheme, for example, has also demonstrated Liverpool can deliver substantial change in inner city spaces. Within a short space of time, Liverpool ONE has significantly broadened the retail and commercial opportunities in a city that has always enjoyed shopping and going out. Ever since the announcement of Capital of Culture 2008, Liverpool has made huge strides in repositioning culture as part of its urban make up, both in the centre and on a neighbourhood level. This goes hand in hand with the wholesale physical redevelopment of much of the city.The challenge in the current economic climate is for the city to continue to hold its nerve and continue to champion ambition and good quality delivery. Places Matter! supports and celebrates the ongoing transformation of Liverpool and the surrounding areas, a process that has been going on one way or another ever since King John laid down LiverpoolÕs first streets over 800 years ago. Tel. 0151 703 0135 www.placesmatter.co.uk CASE STUDY Mersey Observatory A major redevelopment project, the Mersey Observatory will replace an outdated radar tower standing between Liverpool Docks and Crosby Beach. The project calls for an Observatory that will become a major landmark and tourist attraction standing tall alongside the iron men of Anthony GormleyÕs Another Place. In 2007 the Mersey Observatory was brought to the Places Matter! Design Review Panel. Consisting of leading national and regional experts in architecture and the built environment, the Design Review Panel helps to raise design aspirations and encourage the adoption of consistently high standards across the Northwest. Recognising the demands of the location, the Design Review Panel advised that an international design competition be launched, with the aim of creating a structure that would be popular with local people and visitors. The shortlisted schemes formed part of a public exhibition shown in various locations that attracted considerable interest for the project. Duggan Morris Architects Ltd submitted the winning design.