An artistÕs impression of Ebbsfleet Valley once development has been completed future development 181 Land Securities Around 50,000 jobs will be created across Kent Thameside, 20,000 of which will be located in Ebbsfleet Valley and the employment opportunities will cross a range of different employment sectors. Ebbsfleet Valley is a project for the future and the exemplar designs by highly respected masterplanners reflect this as they incorporate nine million sq ft of office, retail, leisure and community facilities, as well as up to 10,000 homes, and nearly 400 acres of open space. The draw to move a business to Ebbsfleet Valley will be strong, not least because office space will be very accessible from London due to good transport links, both domestic and international. ³ Rarely in the UK has regeneration been seen on such a scale as is currently being carried out across Kent Thameside Ð one of the key regeneration areas of the Thames Gateway encompassing the north Kent boroughs of Dartford and Gravesham. Visitors to Ebbsfleet Valley at the moment will see a disused quarry; indeed it is hard to imagine the progress which will take place over the next 25 years. But, once finished, the development will serve a population the size of Chichester or Sevenoaks. This is a development on a unique scale, which thousands will want to be a part of Ð and the scope for businesses looking to relocate, expand or set up in the area is huge. At the heart of the transformation of the Thames Gateway in North Kent is Ebbsfleet Valley. This regeneration project, led by Land Securities, will provide thousands of new jobs and new homes for the area and will be a development of which Kent can be proud. This is a development on a unique scale, which thousands will want to be a part of. future development new Bus Rapid Transit system linking the centres of Dartford and Gravesend with Ebbsfleet Valley and Bluewater. The scale of the development is also encouraging to businesses. With 10,000 homes planned in Ebbsfleet Valley, people will be able to live and work in the same area Ð maximising opportunities for staff retention and encouraging the ethos of sustainable communities. The area will also offer a quality of life, with sustainable nature, first rate housing, excellent transport and low-impact commuting times Ð in fact it is easy to see how attractive a proposition it is for the business economy. A vibrant new community will be created. Ebbsfleet Valley will provide five new primary schools, one new secondary school, health facilities, religious buildings, allotments and over 400 acres of new parks, lakes and open space, which is nearly 40% of the entire land area. Furthermore, bespoke offices can be created to meet a companyÕs needs, offering first rate accommodation whatever the type of business. The commercial centre will be crucial for new businesses looking to set up in the area, and Land Securities will begin marketing the commercial elements of Ebbsfleet Valley later this year. The catalyst for transforming the area into a new business destination is the opening of Ebbsfleet International station in November last year, marking the area as a gateway to Europe. Brussels is just 1 hour 41 minutes away, Paris 2 hours 5 minutes, and Lille 1 hour 10 minutes away. A cross channel commute, European city break or even continental meeting are now within touching distance. New high-speed domestic trains will be run from late 2009, meaning easy access to London in only 17 minutes. Further transport improvements have been made with the introduction of Fastrack, the 182 ³ Land Securities continued... The landmark will be located near to the first residential phase of Ebbsfleet Valley, called Springhead Park, clearly visible from both the A2 trunk road, as well as travellers on the new high speed rail link and visitors to Ebbsfleet International station. A judging panel to select the winning artwork from the shortlist includes experts from leading art organisations. It is planned the winning design will be chosen this year. Robyn Pyle, Head of Urban Community Development at Land Securities added: ÒThe landmark will be a focal point, indicative of the culturally rich and diverse lifestyles we want to support.Ó Indeed Land Securities has already shown its keenness to involve the community in its work. Open days have updated residents on progress at the development and a full-time community relations manager for the project ensures regular dialogue and contact with the local community. A Construction Practice Liaison Group, where local representatives have the chance to discuss construction issues and be updated on the latest works ³ Ebbsfleet Valley is in many ways a landmark project. As such it needs to meet the ongoing challenge of embracing technological change and even predicting some of the advancements to be made during the next 25 years. The development will have offices which are state of the art and at the forefront of office technology Ð but the same also applies to the new homes. Agreements have been signed with BT and Sky to provide ÔFibre to the HomeÕ technology to all new homes at Ebbsfleet Valley. This means that, be it for working from home or personal use, every home will be able to experience levels of connectivity and super fast broadband speeds previously only available in a high-tech office environment. To help celebrate Ebbsfleet ValleyÕs arrival as a benchmark development on the international scene, leading international artists, who have a strong track record of delivering outstanding art projects, have been invited to submit proposals for a landmark sculpture for the area. The winning design could deliver a sculpture as tall as NelsonÕs Column. future development 183 Homes will experience levels of connectivity and super fast broadband speeds previously only available in a high-tech office environment. The new marketing suite at Springhead Park, the first residential phase of Ebbsfleet Valley future development 184 affordable homes and jobs for local people. And alongside this regeneration, it is vitally important that we create the infrastructure for new communities and ensure that the schools, healthcare and leisure facilities match the needs of the local people.Ó Ebbsfleet Valley is an ideal location for a 21st century business. With easy travel connections to both London and Europe, and planned office space with cutting edge technology, it is set to be a huge draw. New businesses will emerge within the community itself, and thousands of jobs will be created. Ebbsfleet Valley is set to be a monumental success story for Kent for decades to come. Contact: progress, has also been implemented Ð an innovative arrangement in the development world. An education programme has been supported by Land Securities, encouraging secondary school pupils across North Kent to learn more about Ebbsfleet Valley and the benefits of regeneration in their role as employees, employers and homeowners of the future. Land Securities is progressing a development which will draw new businesses to the area, but also provide new jobs to existing residents, as well as facilities for the community as a whole. This was a view echoed by Prime Minister Gordon Brown on a recent visit. He said: ÒThis project will make a huge difference to local communities in Dartford, Gravesend and North Kent. It will provide Ebbsfleet International station, image courtesy of Eurostar ³ Land Securities continued...