| District Focus mixed-use development incorporating, a hotel and restaurant and residential units. The £52m investment will create 660 jobs. Mid Town Development The Mid Town regeneration scheme has the potential to become a civic quarter and vibrant riverside mixed-use location. Plans include a new campus for South Kent College and a new community hospital. The police and Primary Care Trust are already located in Mid Town. The River Dour runs through the heart of the site. Buckland Mill Led by Dover Pride partner SEEDA, the Buckland Mill project will include conversion of the existing mill buildings and listed house, alongside an extensive residential development of 335 Eco houses and apartments. Due for completion by 2012 the £48m investment will create over 90 jobs. White Cliffs Business Park A £100m investment in the White Cliffs Business Park will provide 130,000 sq m of new commercial space and 1,800 new jobs. The park is situated in a premier business location, providing excellent links to Dover town centre and the continent. DIY giant B&Q has already opened on the site. Dover Waterfront Regeneration Dover s waterfront is set to become a thriving, lively and popular destination with planned residential, commercial, retail and leisure uses. The innovative mixed-use site, including a new marina and hotel, will sit alongside the £300m Dover Port Western Docks development which will create and safeguard 2,600 jobs and is scheduled for completion in 2013. Dover Sea Sports Centre The £2.4m Dover Sea Sports Centre will be a hub of national significance for a range of sea sports as well as delivering training and development opportunities. Due to open winter 2009, the Centre is housed in a landmark building on Dover s superb seafront, creating 25 new jobs. Sea Change The Sea Change project focuses on connecting Dover s waterfront and historic Castle. This has included investigating the viability of a cable car, providing public realm improvements on the waterfront, upgrading the BlŽriot Monument and improving the Castle Keep as a visitor attraction. Connaught Barracks Connaught Barracks will be an environmentally sustainable mixed-use development of the highest quality design and environmental standards. This residential-led scheme is located north of Dover town centre adjacent to the Castle. The site covers 56 hectares, of which 12.5 hectares is suitable for developing up to 500 new homes. The remaining land includes large areas of open space and a Scheduled Ancient Monument, Fort Burgoyne. These projects will help ensure that Dover is set to be a thriving, lively and popular destination: a place where people want to work, live and play. Tel. 01304 872162 www.doverpride.org.uk Dover Beach