District Focus | Making Dover Proud Dover Pride Regeneration Partnership is committed to delivering successful economic growth and securing DoverÕs long-term regeneration. T he PartnershipÕs vision is that by 2035, Dover will be one of the most prosperous towns on the South Coast with a highly skilled and enterprising community proud of its town, its port and its heritage. The projects that have been developed to deliver this vision are a mixture of site developments and thematic regeneration initiatives. Alongside encouraging new business, these regeneration plans are estimated to attract £500m of investment, create and safeguard over 6,000 jobs, create over 800 residential units, reclaim 35 hectares of brownfield land and upskill 6,000 local residents. Dover Priory Scheme Dover Priory rail station has already benefited from a £650,000 investment. The station has had its interior modernised to provide improved facilities for the arrival of the High Speed link in winter 2009. Additional work is underway including the Station Approach that will become a high quality pedestrian-friendly environment. Dover Town Investment Zone (DTIZ) Located in the St. JamesÕs area, this major regeneration initiative is led by Dover Pride partner, Dover District Council. The aim is to turn a rundown town centre site into a large retail-led, Dover PrideÕs key objectives: ¥ transform community aspirations ¥ enhance learning, skills and enterprise ¥ realise the potential of the Port expansion ¥ generate and attract new business ¥ raise DoverÕs profile as a visitor destination ¥ strengthen the community and reduce deprivation ¥ restructure the town and improve the environment ¥ upgrade transport links and accessibility