welcome residential towers, a hotel, a theatre and conference centre Ð landmark buildings, a city skyline. We have 9,000 students in four universities at Chatham Maritime, a population of 250,000 set to grow to 300,000 and excellent transport links to London, Dover and Europe. In 2009, high-speed commuter services on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link will put us half an hour from central London. Our regeneration drive will deliver 16,000 new homes and 40,000 jobs. Medway has become a favourite location for TV news coverage of regeneration stories because we have the shots they need Ð shots of regeneration in action. Leading Thames Gateway figures have described us as a shining example of how to deliver major regeneration. They talk of the ÔMedway modelÕ. Our regeneration programme was kick-started by £120million of public money for the acquisition and preparation of prime development sites along seven miles of the River Medway. Now private sector money is turning our vision into reality. WeÕre developing an Ôinvestment partnershipÕ with regeneration specialists St Modwen Properties PLC. I lost count of how many times IÕve heard those words many years and many artistsÕ impressions agoÉ But these days I hear it less and less. And a year from now IÕm confident that all but MedwayÕs most hardened sceptics will have stopped saying it. Because in 2008/2009 people will see many of those artistÕs impressions becoming reality. They will see major physical change as the Ôdelivery phaseÕ of MedwayÕs £1billion regeneration programme gathers pace. On our flagship Rochester Riverside regeneration site, with its great views of our famous castle and cathedral, they will see developers appointed to build the first 600 of 2,000 new homes Ð together with a striking new hotel. Away from the 70 acres of Rochester Riverside, regeneration projects will start to take shape on numerous other key sites across the emerging new Ôriver cityÕ of the Thames Gateway. That is the vision. Nothing less. A new world-class City of Medway with Chatham transformed as the cityÕs retail, commercial and cultural hub. Pioneering architect Ken Yeang has seen the Ôvast potentialÕ of Chatham Waterfront. His masterplans for the site show striking Medway Council Delivering the new river city of the Thames Gateway Cllr Rodney Chambers, Leader of Medway Council ÒIÕll believe it when I see itÉÓ A new world-class City of Medway with Chatham transformed as the cityÕs retail, commercial and cultural hub Cllr Rodney Chambers, Leader of Medway Council welcome This is expected to generate more than £1billion. We are unique in the Thames Gateway in having our own regeneration unit Ð Medway Renaissance. Our regeneration will be strategic, not piecemeal. We will deliver places and spaces of the highest quality, not urban sprawl. The renowned architect Sir Terry Farrell is MedwayÕs ÔDesign ChampionÕ. He believes that in all 40 miles of the vast Thames Gateway regeneration zone, Medway is the region with the greatest potential. Pictures courtesy of Medway Renaissance And Sir Terry is a big fan of what may become MedwayÕs boldest regeneration project. WeÕre exploring the idea of a ÔskycabÕ cable car system that would cross the river at key points, connecting the new city. Proof Ð if it were needed Ð that for Medway the skyÕs the limit. Cllr Rodney Chambers, Leader of Medway Council Medway is the biggest regeneration zone in the Thames Gateway and includes up to 16,000 new homes Publicising regeneration on ITV1 The Drill Hall Library, Medway University