| District Focus detailed intelligence on the economic characteristics and economic potential of the district. The Local Economy Team also directs businesses and potential start-ups to the appropriate information, support agencies and organisations. Support services include Canterbury4Grants, a free web portal giving access to the latest information on business grants and finance. Visit www.open4business.info/canterbury Developing opportunities Wherever possible, Canterbury City Council supports and facilitates local business expansions and re-investments. The council works closely with Locate in Kent and maintains a free online property register, listing over 350 locally available commercial sites. Key commercial developments include Estuary View on the outskirts of Whitstable. Estuary View comprises three hectares of land for B1 office development. Occupiers include the Kent Messenger Group and planning permission has been granted to expand the site with almost 12,000sq m of modern high quality offices. With immediate access on to the new A299 Thanet Way, Estuary View is an excellent location for companies looking to expand or for inward investors considering Kent. Developing knowledge A local strategy in Canterbury is to develop more knowledge-based industries in the district. The councilÕs Local Economy Team supports the Canterbury Enterprise Hub based at The University of Kent. The Hub works with highly innovative and high growth potential start-ups to increase their survival rates. The council is also working with the University and SEEDA to develop the Canterbury Innovation Centre at the UniversityÕs Canterbury campus. CASE STUDY A view from Lakesview Canterbury City Council owns and manages two sets of office units that provide incubator-type accommodation for start-up and growing enterprises.The latest facility is Lakesview Enterprise Centre.Lakesview comprises 14 incubator units and provides modern accommodation in a fully supported business environment. First to locate at Lakesview was Cantium Electronics Ltd, owned and managed by Amir Maali and his wife Suzanne.Their business deals with worldwide distribution of electronic components and forms part of the supply chain for such multinational companies as British Airways and Rolls-Royce.When asked why he decided to locate at Lakesview, Aamir explained Òthe centre offers the newest, cleanest environment with the best facilities which are value for money to a start-up business like myself. I can meet clients here with pride, which is unusual for a businessÕ first premisesÓ. Canterbury 4 Business (C4B) Canterbury City Council is a member of the districtÕs local economic partnership, Canterbury 4 Business (C4B). C4B comprises a partnership board with members from the private, public and voluntary sectors. Unique in Kent, C4B has adopted the economic strategy for the district and is one of only a few district-level economic partnerships in the UK. C4B focuses on four major economic development areas; Environment, Enterprise, Education & Skills and Major Projects. www.canterbury4business.co.uk