Foreword | Foreword by Sir Robert Worcester, Chancellor, University of Kent Kent is one of BritainŐs fastest developing counties with a business- friendly economy and progressive government. K ent is poised for a transport revolution, with an excellent motorway system, fast developing rail network and easy access to airports for both people and freight. Kent is no longer on the fringe of the country but central to the corridor between Britain and France, and via the Channel Tunnel, Eurostar, Gatwick and Heathrow (and Manston) to the continent and beyond. The access to East Kent from London to the Channel continues to be expanded and 2010 will see a transformation of access to London from the far reaches of the county. The average journey from Canterbury to London has taken 109 minutes; this will be cut to 62 minutes. From Dover to London will drop from 112 minutes in 2009 to 74 minutes in 2010. Kent offers not just Ňthe garden of EnglandÓ but an award winning inward-investment agency. Locate in Kent stands willing and able to assist in negotiating with governments, introducing SMEs to business services and finance and introductions to the key players in the public, private and third sectors in the county. With many cultural activities, heritage sites, castles and cathedrals, there is lots to do and see in Kent. Well known for its excellent schools, there are excellent universities and colleges as well, including the University of Kent, Canterbury Christ Church University, Mid Kent College, the University of Greenwich and the agricultural and horticultural college in Hadlow. KentŐs positive outlook continues, in spite of the economic storm that has impacted on the world. Kent has come through it and is looking to the future with a renewed confidence that our county will grow and prosper, will be a great place to live and will provide the jobs, the housing, the infrastructure and the things that make life worth living in the years to come. Sir Robert Worcester, KBE DLChancellor, University of Kent Ň KentŐs positive outlook continues, with a renewed confidence that our county will grow and prosper