Business Link Kent 0845 600 9006 Carbon Trust 0800 085 2005 Kent Downs AONB Unit 01303 815 170 Kent Sustainable Business Partnership 01622 221 859 NISP South East 01235 468 733 email: Thanet glasshouses to make local economy grow Sustainable salad production 52 weeks a year is coming to Kent in the shape of ŌThanet EarthÕ. Seven greenhouses, each the size of ten football pitches, will produce peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers, as well as bringing £80 million of investment and 550 jobs to the region. Made in the UK, for the UK The salad crops grown will be destined for the shelves of the UKÕs supermarkets. The technique of hydroponics sees the plants suspended from the ceiling and grown using nutrient-enriched water and a combination of natural daylight and artificial lighting. Putting something back The greenhouses will be a source of power, providing enough electricity for the National Grid to power approximately half of ThanetÕs needs. Electricity will be generated by burning gas, but the by-products (heat and CO2) will be used to grow the crops. The site intends to be self-sufficient in terms of water too, recycling rainwater and maintaining a network of reservoirs. From plant to plate There are also plans to place a research and development department on site which will work with local agricultural colleges to test new varieties, methods of pest control, hydroponic and lighting techniques. Ultimately, this will develop into an education centre from which the local community can also benefit. For more information visit