| Investment and Regeneration The six challenges continued 4. Embracing a growing and ageing population Understanding the needs of people within and moving to the countyMaking the most of older people s knowledge, skills and time Encouraging more employment of older people, and supporting more volunteering Making sure health and social care is in place to cater for the growing and ageing population Personalisation of services provided by KCC to provide more choice Supporting independent living at home 5. Building homes and communities not estates Improving the quality of new and existing housing Regenerating communities Securing investment for balanced housing growth The right type and number of new homes Encouragement of home improvements and energy efficient measures A commitment by KCC and partners to make sure new homes provide good community living areas, rather thandormitory housing estates 6. Meeting the climate challenge Development of high tech and sustainable businesses Promotion of Kent as a rural destination and area ofoutstanding natural beauty Enhancing and improving access to Kent s green spaces Promotion of fuel and water efficiency Development of decentralised energy resources Work with district councils to give practical support to businesses and residents to achieve Kent s carbon reduction targets Backing Kent Business Kent stands in a unique position in the UK Š surrounded by coast, next to London and at the gateway to Europe. The county provides major economic opportunities because of this position. Kent County Council has thrown its considerable weight of support behind local firms. The council is offering practical action and advice to help companies survive and thrive through the recession via its Backing Kent Business campaign. The aim is to support Kent businesses through the recession and make sure KentÕs economy is good and ready for the upturn. For details go to the online Business Support centre, www.kent.gov.uk/business Dartford Crossing Courtesy of Dartford Borough Council