Local Investment and Regeneration | Crossways Business Park, Dartford Unlocking KentÕs potential The pressure is on for Kent to embrace change. Therefore Kent County Council (KCC) is taking steps to make sure Kent becomes an even better place to live, work and visit. A new Regeneration Framework -Unlocking Kent s Potential - has been launched, addressing these issues and illustrating how KCC hopes to tackle them. KCC Leader Paul Carter explains: ÒFor us, regeneration is not simply about economic growth. It is about transformation in education and skills, cultural renaissance and an efficient transport system that supports both the economy and residents. It is about improved housing conditions, particularly for the most vulnerable, and doing what we can to foster strong, inclusive neighbourhoods. Working with our partners, Kent County Council has a critical role in making sure this happens. We need to demonstrate the power of local people, local business, local government and the public sector working together to plan for positive change and regeneration in the county. Courtesy of Kent Thameside Regeneration Partnership The six challenges At the heart of KCC s Regeneration Framework are six key challenges, covering almost every KCC service. The framework calls for the building of a new relationship between KCC and Kent businesses, improvements to Kent s transport network, support for the Kent economy, caring for a growing and ageing population, building homes and communities Ð not estates Ð and action to meet climate challenge. 1. A new relationship betweenKCC and Kent business Work with different business sectors to identify and meet their specific needs Changes to education to provide the types of skills Kent needs Investment in business infrastructure, including business parkdevelopment and transport links Creation of a Kent Business Support Centre Simplify procedures to make it easy for smaller Kent businesses to win contracts Increased marketing of Kent to investors, tourists and visitors 2. Transport enhancements Maximising the benefits of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link fordomestic services Possible expansion of Manston and Lydd airports Expansion of the Port of Dover A third Thames crossing Improvements to roadsIncrease accessibility to public transport in urban and rural areas Less town centre congestion A possible river based public transport service from Gravesendto London 3. Supporting the Kent economy Helping young people realise their potential and ambitions Developing world-class education and business partnerships Recognition that vocational and applied learning is central to meeting 21st century business Improving schools Enhancing the number of graduates in Kent Increasing apprenticeships