| District Focus Ò Work is underway to regenerate Sittingbourne town centre to provide a range of retail, leisure and learning opportunities. The Sheppey Crossing: improved transport links are opening Swale to new investment ¥ The Watermark Kent office campus in Sittingbourne ¥ Eurolink business park and G.Park logistics centre in Sittingbourne ¥ A mixed-use scheme in Whitstable Road, Faversham, including office and warehouse / distribution developments Queenborough and Rushenden Currently SwaleÕs largest single mixed-use development, Queenborough and Rushenden will deliver up to 2,000 new homes and around 180,000 sq metres of new employment floor space. In the heart of the area opened up by the Sheppey Crossing, the Neats Court employment development will include office facilities and a hotel. The first phase will provide a new regional distribution centre for the retailer Aldi, creating at least 250 jobs. Following a nationally acclaimed community engagement process, the master plan for Queenborough and Rushenden will be adopted in 2009. Work also starts this year on the next phase of improved access through a new road to link the development with the A249. SittingbourneÕs exciting future Work is underway to regenerate Sittingbourne town centre to provide a range of retail, leisure and learning opportunities. With over 1,000 new homes planned for the town, the regeneration proposals will include greatly improved access to the Creekside waterfront. Following public consultation earlier this year, the master plan for Sittingbourne town centre will be adopted later in 2009. Development of Sittingbourne town centre will be accompanied by major improvements to the townÕs transport infrastructure. From December 2009 trains to St Pancras will serve Sittingbourne using High Speed 1 and construction will also start this year on the next phase of Sittingbourne Northern Relief Road. The road will provide new access to the town centre and also improve links between the Eurolink business park, the major G.Park logistics centre and the A249.