District Focus | Moving Forward Despite the economic downturn, regeneration is bringing new opportunities to Swale and building on major recent investment in the areaÕs infrastructure. S wale sits in the centre of North Kent and includes the port of Sheerness and the Isle of Sheppey. The commercial hub is the town of Sittingbourne. One of SwaleÕs greatest assets is the quality of its natural environment - the borough includes the internationally protected North Kent Marshes and the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. SwaleÕs location within the Thames Gateway growth area has helped to attract significant public sector investment in recent years. In particular, the opening in 2006 of the £100m Sheppey Crossing - a dual carriageway linking the Isle of Sheppey with the rest of Kent - has transformed SheppeyÕs potential as a business location. The majority of new developments are concentrated in the west of the borough, along the recently improved A249 dual carriageway. To the east, Faversham is a classic Kentish market town offering an excellent quality of life alongside opportunities to reinvigorate the links between its historic town centre and Creekside waterfront. Along with rural Swale, Faversham is developing a high-quality tourism offer. Swale Forward Regeneration in Swale seeks to protect and enhance the natural environment, while improving access to and awareness of the areaÕs countryside. Co-ordinating the delivery of SwaleÕs major regeneration projects is Swale Forward, the boroughÕs local regeneration partnership. Founded in 2004, Swale Forward members include Swale Borough Council, SEEDA and various private sector and voluntary organisations. Major development projects underway in Swale include: ¥ The Neats Court mixed-use scheme in Queenborough and Rushenden to include office facilities and a hotel