Investment and Regeneration | Courtesy of Tunbridge Wells Council Courtesy of Ashford Borough CouncilCourtesy of Dartford Borough Council Ely Court Survive and thrive As part of its campaign, KCC offers a 10-point package of support for businesses. With its partners, the council is committed to: ¥ Driving forward and delivering KCCÕs capital programme of £850m over the next two years Ð maximising employment opportunities for Kent firms ¥ Provide a ÔKent Business Support CentreÕ on KCCÕs website supported by a team of advisors ¥ Streamlining KCC contracts to make it easier for small and medium sized firms to apply ¥ Expanding KCCÕs approved list of contractors ¥ Signposting businesses towards grant aid available from regional, national and European sources ¥ Lobbying government for a reduction and removal of unnecessary regulation and bureaucracy ¥ Placing KCCÕs vacant unsold property assets into a fund to be worked up into joint venture development with the private sector ¥ Setting up a consortia of Kent businesses to compete for larger public sector contracts outside Kent ¥ Promoting KentÕs unique selling points ¥ Speeding up the payment of invoices from 30 days to 20 There is also a firm commitment to working closely with partners including business representative organisations - the three accredited Chambers of Commerce, the IoD, FSB and the CBI - together with the regional development agency SEEDA, Business Link and the University of Kent. Tel. 08458 247 247 The Innovation Centre, Dartford Ò Kent County Council (KCC) is taking steps to make sure Kent becomes an even better place to live, work and visit.