Investment and Regeneration | e-commerce, export training and market research. This new advisor will add to the existing UKTI team of Advisors to cover the defence sector, servicing the estimated 950 defence-related companies in the South East. Innovation and Growth Over the next three years, SEEDA is funding support for businesses delivered through South East Business Innovation and Growth. This comprehensive and tailored support is designed for companies with the potential to innovate and grow significantly. A package of expert support is available through locally based Innovation and Growth Teams (IGTs). Operating throughout the South East, IGTs are staffed with experienced business professionals, coaches and mentors with connections to the knowledge base and other specialist support and whose remit is to help companies to succeed regionally, nationally and globally. Four types of companies are capable of receiving such support: ¥ Start-up, pre-revenue and early stage businesses which need support in areas such as proof of concept, business planning, business investment, getting to market and networking ¥ SMEs which anticipate accelerated growth because of a Ôstep-changeÕ in their circumstances - for example launching a new product or service, exporting or diversifying ¥ Medium to large size businesses that expect to increase turnover because of a sizeable Ôstep-changeÕ - such as growing internationally ¥ Large corporations that see a benefit from working and collaborating with other businesses and organisations such as universities. Support is tailored to the circumstances of the business. Businesses also benefit from being connected to a growing local and regional innovation community. Open Innovation enables companies to seek ideas, technologies and products through partnering, licensing and purchasing with other ambitious businesses. Tel. 01483 484200 Ò Support is tailored to the circumstances of the business. Businesses also benefit from being connected to a growing local and regional innovation community.