Training & Education | MBA consultancy projects deliver results for clients Each year the SchoolÕs full-time MBA students carry out around 20 consultancy projects by working over the summer term in groups of two or three with local companies or organisations. The project is an ideal opportunity for organisations to benefit from a piece of independent analysis carried out by an international group of industry-experienced students with expertise in current strategic thinking. Clients range from blue chip firms to SMEs, and from start-up companies to not-for-profit organisations. The following case study illustrates one of these projects. Red Island Ltd Red Island Ltd is the creator of the Walkodile, an award-winning child safety walker designed to keep groups of up to six children together and safe on school outings. Its main use is in primary schools and nurseries for educational trips. The objective of the project was to evaluate market development strategies for the Walkodile product in the UK. Following extensive market research and an analysis of their clientÕs own resources, the student team identified three strategic alternatives for the marketing of the product. These were an internal sales force; use of a partnerÕs sales force; or concentration on direct sales, either online or by mail order. The team concluded that a mix of these options was the most appropriate way forward for their client. ÒWe cannot praise our team highly enough. They consistently performed way above our expectations and contributed greatly to our understanding of our product, customers and marketplace. They have come up with findings that have helped us become clearer about the ways to take the business forward to the next stage,Ó said John Stephen, founder and CEO.