| Home for business / Focus onÉScience & Technology © Peter Tuffy, The University of Edinburgh © Pentlands Science Park 2008 CASE STUDY WorldÕs smallest TV screen In 1999, advances in microdisplay research from the University of Edinburgh and Napier University were combined and licensed to MicroEmissive Displays, to develop and commercialise the technology behind the world's smallest TV screen. This technology aims to fundamentally change the way we watch TV and video - enabling the mobile TV revolution. Working in university who, if accepted by the scheme, can receive money and partnership across introductions to academic mentors the city region and experienced entrepreneurs, The Edinburgh Science Triangle investors and potential managers. partnership is a collaborative project that brings together the capital ¥The Edinburgh Technology regionÕs universities and research Transfer Centre (ETTC) offers institutes, science parks, local flexible low-cost office and government authorities and Scottish laboratory accommodation on the main science campus together with Anarkik3D is a spinout from the University of Enterprise. The twin economic Edinburgh and Edinburgh College of Art development objectives are to attract new investment to the Edinburgh Science Triangle area and to build a scientific community with unparalleled levels of interaction and knowledge exchange between academic research and industry. How do EdinburghÕs research-based support services to help companies bring technology closer to market. ¥ Once a company outgrows the incubator they are invited to join the growth businesses located at the Edinburgh Technopole, a 126-acre science park at the edge of the city. Technology & Research Services (TRS) is the research development New companies at the University of Edinburgh can access laboratory facilities at the ETTC incubation centres. Did you know? Ò In the early 17th century John Napier, after whom universities support innovation? Edinburgh Research and Innovation (ERI) leads commercialisation activities for the University of Edinburgh. It runs a number of programmes designed to support start-ups and high growth and commercialisation department for Heriot-Watt University. Like ERI, TRS develops collaborative links between industry and academia through collaborative research, technology licensing, and the delivery of training and consultancy services. one of the cityÕs four companies, including: Heriot-Watt Research Park, the first science park to open in Europe in 1971, universities is now ¥ The Edinburgh Pre-Incubator accommodates innovative companies named, invented the Scheme (EPIS) supports and research institutes of all sizes on concept of logarithms. entrepreneurs from outside the the same campus as the university. Ó The Moredun Research Institute