| Home for business Fringe that create the largest arts festival in the world, are key to our reputation on the world stage. Making the most of investment Our present challenges include keeping up the housing supply. There is a risk that attacks on consumer confidence, based on economic misfortunes throughout the world, will slow down the rate of investment in affordable housing. But if we keep looking at the positives, we will realise that what our businesses are delivering today does not justify defeatist talk. ItÕs also imperative that business continues to engage with the community at every level, to hear what other stakeholders are saying and to give present and accurate information that will engage our citizens in confidence for the future. That includes continuing ScotlandÕs magnificent contribution on the world stage to health, social welfare, innovation and education. It is investment that promotes new opportunities; EdinburghÕs magnetism can bring the people here who make the city so capable (and remember Ð 60% of our workforce werenÕt born here). We should be immensely grateful to the achievements of the financial services sector over the last twenty years Ð they have been the catalyst for the cityÕs stability. It is essential we maintain confidence in the sector and for all our consumers to keep our economy moving. We must also recognise that our economy is very diverse and, contrary to popular belief, our manufacturing base is growing. It is vital we build the new homes and business premises we need, to keep the economy liquid and continue to attract the fresh talent who will grow our new sectors such as life sciences. With fewer than 2% unemployed in Edinburgh and the lowest claimant rates for 30 years nationally, we have a sound and appealing platform to continue to build our economy on in the years to come. Graham Birse is Deputy Chief Executive of Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Tel. 0131 221 2999 www.edinburghchamber.co.uk © Edinburgh Inspiring Capital