| Leisure & Tourism VisitScotland also offers advice on that will assist the tourism industry in how to promote business according reaching the ambitious 50% growth to individual needs and how to make target by 2015. The fund is available for the most of marketing opportunities. well researched collaborative marketing projects from groups of tourism businesses operating at a local, regional Business advice or national level.The fund enables Whether itÕs a business just starting groups of tourism businesses to up, business development, green undertake new marketing activity or business advice, information on develop current activity which will legislation or about joining the generate additional visitors to Scotland. Quality Assurance Scheme, the The Growth Fund can support tourism Business Development Team can groups with 40% of approved total offer businesses the chance to take marketing costs over a one year period, advantage of their help and expertise. from a minimum of £2,500 and up to The Growth Fund £65,000 (subject to criteria). The VisitScotland Growth Fund is a £1m www.visitscotland.org marketing fund part financed by the European Union. It is designed to support collaborative group marketing Membership includes: Tourism gets green light Simple application process The Green Tourism Business Scheme (GTBS) is a Low-cost membership fee based on VisitScotland accredited scheme to help tourism businesses business size reduce their environmental impact, save money, improve Informative membership pack efficiency and increase marketing potential. The market Environmental visit, assessment and advice place is changing and green-conscious customers are on the tailored to member increase. Businesses using the GTBS could encourage Information on financial support customer loyalty, gain new business and increase their Plaque and certificate community profile through good environmental management. Even the simplest measures can contribute Benefits include: towards obtaining an award Š Gold, Silver or Bronze Š and Reduced running costs many companies may have a head start as they already Increased market appeal undertake many of the basic practices already. And it doesnÕt Increased environmental awareness involve an arduous and complex green strategy. For Free listing on the website example, if everyone in Scotland only boiled the water they Online and telephone support needed to make a cup of tea instead of filling the kettle European marketing every time, they would save enough electricity to run all the www.green-business.co.uk street lighting in the country! There are over 750 members in Scotland, and that number is set to increase. The Green Tourism Business Scheme (GTBS) is an accredited VisitScotland Quality Assurance scheme operated in Scotland on behalf of VisitScotland by a not-for-profit company, Green Business UK Ltd.