jQuery.Preload 1.0 This is an advanced multi-functional preloader, that has 4 modes integrated. Each mode suits a different, common situation. The modes are: * URL: Preload a JS array of static URLs. related settings: + base: This string is prepended to each URL in the array. + ext: This string is appended to the end of each URL in the array. * Rollover: Preload based on DOM images, slightly modifying their src. Can be used for rollovers, or for image-thumb. related settings: + find: String or regex that matches part of the srcs. + replace: Replacement to the matched part, to generate the alternate URL. * Placeholder : Take regular images and set a placeholder image while they load. Show each original image when fully loaded. Allows sequential loading with a threshold. related settings: + placeholder: URL of the temporal image shown while loading. + notFound: Optional image to show if a given image failed to load. * Link: Preload the images that appear in the href of the given links. related settings: none. The plugin also provides 3 callbacks to interact with the image URLs during the preloading process. The callbacks get a hash of data, with details of the related image and global information. The callbacks are: * onRequest: Called when requesting a new image. * onComplete: Called when a request is complete(loaded or failed). * onFinish: Called when all images are fully preloaded. The hash of data received by the callbacks, contains the following information: * loaded: how many images were preloaded successfully. * failed: how many images failed the preloading. * next: 0-based index of the next image to preload. * done: amount of preloaded images ( loaded + failed ). * found: whether the last image could be preloaded or not. * total: amount of images to preload overall. * image: URL of the related image. * original: The original source related to this image. There's also a threshold setting, that determines how many images are preloaded simultaneously, it is 1 by default. Note that threshold and the callbacks, are not related to any mode, and can be useful for any of them.