Introduction to the guide The City of Edinburgh, Scotland's capital, is steeped in over 8,000 years of history and holds an international reputation that brings together a wealth of diverse talents and assets. Art and culture, science and research, innovation and industry, education and business - all played their part in creating this great city and all are contributing to its even greater future. The Guide has been created by and intended for business including business support services and those involved in business development. It aims to outline the variety of opportunities and support services that the city holds - appealing to new start-ups, SMEs or even one of the city's leading corporations. 'City of Edinburgh: the Guide' will inform, assist and inspire businesses to maximise the opportunities available within the city. We are pleased to welcome the support and endorsement from the Bank of Scotland and The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce and we are also grateful to The Scotsman Newspaper, BAA Edinburgh Airport, Edinburgh Convention Bureau, Edinburgh Park and learndirect Scotland, amongst others, for their editorial contributions. For a full list of acknowledgements, please see page 120.Further copies of 'City of Edinburgh: The Guide' can be purchased on the web at: give us your comments on this guide and suggestions for theimprovement of future editions by email Lis Parham Burrows Communications Ltd Offices at:Head Office::Publicity House, 106 Stafford Road,Wallington, Surrey SM6 9AYTel: 020 8773 3000 ¥ Fax: 020 8773 8888Email: ¥ Web: Green House, Waters Green, Macclesfield,Cheshire SK11 6LPTel: 01625 619955 ¥ Fax: 01625 619333 Email: Web: Ourr Advertisers: We gratefully acknowledge the support of all the firms whose advertisements appear in these pages. Without their help we would not be able to produce this guide. As a reciprocal gesture we have pleasure in drawing the attention of our readers to their announcements, but wish to make it clear that Burrows Communications Ltd can accept no responsibility for their products or services advertised. Front cover photos: Bottom main image: Fireworks courtesy of Quartermile Insert images left to right: Edinburgh International Conference Centre courtesy of EICC; The Parliament Building (c) scottishviewpoint;Edinburgh Park courtesy of Edinburgh Park ISBN 0-85026-208-9