tie limited Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards Edinburgh EH12 5BH Tel: +44 (0) 131622 8346 Since May 2002 tie Limited has delivered Edinburgh Fastlink - a dedicated 1.5km two lane busway and 3.45km of bus priority measures along with the successful Ingliston Park and Ride site which sits on the A8 corridor into Edinburgh. Transport Developments in Edinburgh Edinburgh, like any capital city, must have an efficient and sustainable transport infrastructure in place, particularly as the city continues to grow. For this purpose, in May 2002, tie limited was formed by the City of Edinburgh Council to project manage and delivery a number of vital transport initiatives. Scotland's boasts a vibrant and diverse capital city, attracting thousands of visitors every year. Edinburgh, like any capital city must have an efficient and sustainable transport infrastructure in place for both city residents and tourists. In May 2002 tie limited was formed by the City of Edinburgh Council to project manage and deliver a number of vital transport initiatives. To date tie has successfully delivered a number of exciting and innovative solutions to Edinburgh's increasing congestion. The Edinburgh Fastlink scheme was introduced as part of a commitment to improving and providing choices of transport to the public as a means of redressing the current imbalance of dependency on private car usage in Edinburgh. Edinburgh Fastlink is a dedicated 1.5km, two-lane guided busway. Vehicles which use the busway are fitted with specially designed guide wheels. Fastlink comprises of 3.45km of associated on-street bus priority measures, delivering an 8km bus corridor stretching from the city centre to Edinburgh Park. tie also project managed and delivered a strategically important Park and Ride site at Ingliston on the main A8 corridor into Edinburgh. This site accommodates 535 car parking spaces for a bus-based site, with capacity for future expansion to 1,000. Take up on site has been excellent, and plans to extend the site are being considered. In addition Edinburgh may soon see the introduction of two large and vital transport projects, bringing with them numerous benefits and opportunities for regeneration and social inclusion. tie successfully promoted and gained parliamentary approval for a tram network in Edinburgh, both tram bills were passed by parliament in March 2006 and were awarded Royal Assent shortly afterwards. Trams will offer a whole new transport choice to the people of Edinburgh, one that is proven to appeal to car users where other public transport options have failed. Trams are reliable, fast and can carry many passengers; they are also electrically powered producing almost no on street pollution which helps to reduce the environmental impact. Proposed Tram Network