Edinburgh home for business Edinburgh holds many trump cards when it comes to being the home of your business - from infrastructure and business support to international reputation and geographic location - the city has much to offer the business world The region of Edinburgh and Lothians accounted for some 17.6%* of all new businesses in 2005 - the highest figure across Scotland. Glasgow and Edinburgh together have accounted for half of all new jobs created between 1995 and 2003 as their economies grew at twice the rate of the rest of Scotland - an impressive50% faster than the UK average. Edinburgh is the UK's second and Europe's sixth largest financial centre. The economy is dominated by the service sector with financial and business services being most prominent. The city is also one of the largest fund management bases in Europe.** These sectors - as well as tourism, food and drink, life sciences, energy and electronic markets - are thriving in Edinburgh and are key to the future growth of the city, the region, and Scotland as a whole. And there is so much support for those who want to start or expand their business, whether you need advice on making a business plan, financing your project, or maybe you are thinking of expanding your business and want to employ staff for the first time - the city's Business Gateway can assist and put businesses in contact with helpful partners such as the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce and a whole range of business support services.