Case Study In 2007, Paul Creighton and Mark Creighton were honoured with the Young Entrepreneurs of the Year award in recognition of their success with the electronics company they founded. Advanced Electronic Solutions. Based in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, Advanced Electronic Solutions or AES, supplies and installs a hi-tech electronic security system as well as manufacturing two exclusive products for the security and monitory markets. is an all-in-one CCTV camera and integrated recording unit. is a long range, wireless CCTV system that can help farmers monitor, calving, lambing and foaling from a distance. Commenting on their success, Paul and Mark said: ÒWeÕre delighted with the award. WeÕve received substantial interest in our business in the run up to the competition and this is the icing on the cake for us.Ó Congratulating Paul and Mark on their win, Gerry Ford, Director of Shell Livewire, said: ÒThe judges were very impressed by Advance Electronic Solutions. The business has outstanding potential and their enthusiasm and drive makes them real Livewires!Ó Advantage Northern Ireland All of its programmes are supported with an online product and service package that further enhances the experience for young people. Young Entrepreneurs Programme The programme uses a variety of outreach and promotional campaigns to encourage 16-30 year olds to consider starting a business as a career option. Advantage offers online products and services that assist in all aspects of business development covering the research, start-up and growth phases of a business venture. Business Boot Camp Business Boot Camp is delivered in partnership with Invest NI and encourages more young people from disadvantaged areas to consider starting a business. The Boot Camp combines a fun Ôimpact dayÕ that gives an insight into running a real business, and offers local and international training. The Big Idea The Big Idea, in partnership with Invest NI and Unltd., is a programme that aims to get students thinking in creative and original ways to improve the way in which they study and work in the long term. Students explore their wishes and frustrations and develop their Ôbig ideaÕ. A judging panel made up from the local business community selects the best idea and Advantage provides the resources to turn the idea into a reality. Shell Livewire Awards The Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards celebrates the success of young people in business. The Awards are open to any young business owner under the age of 31 who has recently started in business. Tel: 02890 930046 Email: Web: Advantage manages a range of programmes that encourage young people to think creatively and innovatively to maximise their enterprise potential.