Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce The Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce (NICC), is an independent, not for profit organisation with a clear business focus. With a membership drawn from manufacturing, services, retail, distribution and the professions, the Chamber of Commerce is the largest and most influential business network in Northern Ireland. The ChamberÕs membership affords an almost unique networking opportunity locally. And the organisationÕs extensive range of contacts are used to help members promote their products and services at every opportunity. The Chamber of Commerce welcomes input from its members on issues which affect business and make sure their opinions and needs are expressed at every opportunity; to the press, public sector partners, in consultative documents and via active lobbying. The Chamber of Commerce is not just a collection of individual businesses; together it forms a powerful voice for the business community in Belfast and Northern Ireland as a whole. Members are able to make new business contacts at the many networking events organised by the Chamber of Commerce and may develop targeted direct mail or email broadcast campaigns with the ChamberÕs database of 1400 members, available free of charge as part of the membership package. In addition, a range of membership benefits are offered, including legal expenses, insurance and a legal advice helpline; the insurance provides up to £65,000 worth of indemnity against a range of business related legal issues, as well as up to £65,000 of legal fees and the legal advice line provides Chamber members with unlimited access to qualified legal and employment advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Both these services are available to Chamber members at no extra cost. Chamber members are also eligible for discounts on risk insurance, healthcare plans, AA Services, Human Resource Solutions and Health and Safety Solutions, as well as credit or debit card payment processing facilities. The Chamber Connect card offers a range of discounts for each member of staff of Chamber members, including car hire, hotels, restaurants, business services and airport executive lounges, not only throughout Northern Ireland but right across the network of UK Chambers. For further details please ring Ian Morrow on 028 9089 4092 or e-mail: Tel. (028) 9024 4113 Web.