PRIME Initiative PRIME Northern Ireland Ð helping the over 50Õs find their way into business The PRIME Initiative is the only national organisation dedicated to helping people aged over 50 to set up in business and it opened its doors in Northern Ireland in April 2007. PRIME is a registered charity whose aim is to release the untapped potential of 50+enterprise and afford this population the opportunity for financial, social and personal fulfilment through sustainable self-employment, business or social enterprise. The focus is on raising awareness of opportunities and providing tailored support for 50+ enterprises. ¥ Locally based workshops focusing on Ideas Generation, Skills Identification and Action Planning. The design and approach of the sessions are customised for the client audience and may look at generic or themed enterprise areas. ¥ One to One Mentor Support giving clients the space and time to develop their ideas, plan direction and tackle practical problems in a supportive, motivational and confidential environment. The Mentor pool is made up of volunteers who are able to relate to the challenges presented to PRIME clients as they consider and plan for self-employment. PRIME offers a Development programme, resources and practical assistance to the Volunteer Mentors to support their invaluable service. ¥ Network events to facilitate individuals at the pre-enterprise stage to exchange experiences, progress, challenges and ideas. The alliances forged provide further support and resources for the PRIME client population. ¥ Engagement events in a social setting to encourage people to have a look at what self employment involves and how PRIME may assist them to take action and realise their aspirations. Web. Tel. 02890 472752